Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Kids who navigate life with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) often struggle to focus for extended periods. This is particularly true for settings requiring sustained attention, like school.

Contrary to misconceptions, children with ADHD are not merely impulsive or disorganized. These behavioral issues respond to an underlying condition that needs continuous management and support from teachers, parents, and caregivers.

ADHD is a lifelong condition that could affect your child’s social interactions and school life without appropriate treatment and guidance. 

How to Recognize ADHD

Here are some signs that can help you recognize ADHD in your child:

  • Impulsivity: Those with ADHD may struggle with patience, such as waiting for their turn during games or conversations.
  • Hyperactivity: Kids with ADHD may run excessively, jump, or climb at inappropriate times. Fidgeting, difficulty sitting still, or talking excessively are common signs of ADHD.
  • Disorganization: ADHD often affects executive functioning; this may result in messy rooms and disorganized desks.
  • Short attention spans: It is common for those with ADHD to have difficulty maintaining attention, mainly when dealing with uninteresting tasks or activities.
  • Issues with follow-through: Children with ADHD may struggle to complete projects or plans.
  • Poor listening skills: Children with ADHD become easily distracted during conversations, especially in group settings. 

When to Seek Help

It is vital to seek a professional evaluation if you suspect ADHD in your child since early diagnosis and intervention can significantly improve their:

  • Proficiency in school
  • Social interactions
  • Organization skills

Try keeping a record of your child's behavior when you start noticing potential ADHD symptoms. This will help you and your doctor make better-informed decisions regarding their diagnosis and treatment. 

ADHD Diagnosis Process

No specific test can diagnose ADHD since other mental health conditions like anxiety and depression can have similar symptoms. However, once you’ve decided to seek professional help for your child, your doctor will:

  • Closely examine your child’s health: Tests for hearing and vision can help rule out other issues with similar symptoms - like ADHD.
  • Review their medical history: ADHD tends to run in families, so medical record evaluations of family members can help identify genetic predispositions.
  • Ask for support from teachers or caregivers: Understanding how your child develops in social environments like school and leisure activities can help better understand their condition. 

Treatment Options for ADHD

Effective treatment for children involves an integrated approach that requires therapy, educational intervention, medication, and strong parenting support. 


Therapy can help develop strategies to reduce impulsive behavior, manage emotions, enhance organizational skills, and improve time management abilities. 

Common therapeutic approaches for ADHD encompass cognitive behavioral therapy, social skills training, parenting skills training, and family therapy.

Medication Management

Medication management for ADHD can help improve focus, productivity, and restlessness and promote better sleep quality. This may include stimulant medications and antidepressants. 

Educational Intervention

By following an individualized education plan (IEP) and classroom accommodations, your child can have a better learning experience at school. These strategies involve modifications in teaching methods, classroom environment, and evaluation criteria that create an inclusive learning atmosphere for kids with ADHD. 

Coping Strategies for ADHD

Daily tasks can become challenging when living with ADHD. However, some strategies can help your child overcome them, including the following:

  • Structured environment: Daily routines with precise designated times for school responsibilities, hobbies, and meals can help your child better manage their tasks.
  • Support network: By talking to your child’s teachers and caregivers, you can help them navigate their condition better
  • Treatment consistency: Attend therapy sessions consistently and precisely follow the medication management plan for your child. 

Creating an ADHD-Friendly Environment for Your Kid

Studying and completing projects can become complicated when living with ADHD. By following these strategies, you can optimize your kid’s environment to foster productivity and concentration:

  • Design a quiet, distraction-free space to help your kid manage impulsive behaviors and stay focused on school responsibilities
  • Keep a visible to-do list to help your child stay on track with responsibilities
  • Implement a reward system by providing incentives for completing challenging projects. This can include leisure activities or more screen time. 

Parenting a Child with ADHD

Kids who live with ADHD often feel like they are not doing good enough, leading to self-esteem issues. Protect your child’s well-being by being patient, understanding, and accepting. 

An encouraging environment where their virtues are praised can help them overcome everyday learning and socializing challenges. If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, try the following strategies.

1. Become Involved

By understanding how ADHD affects your child, you can identify the areas where they need support. Ask your therapist for tips on how to help your child improve issues they may be dealing with at school or home. 

Make sure to follow the treatment plan your therapist gave you with care. If your child takes medication, follow a proper schedule and use the dose as advised. 

2. Discipline with Purpose and Warmth

Discuss the most effective disciplining approaches for your child's behavior with your therapist. 

When introducing new concepts or skills, concentrate on teaching one thing at a time and acknowledge your child's effort when they tackle complex tasks. When addressing their behavior, emphasize encouragement and support rather than punitive measures to foster positive development.

3. Connect with Others

Meet with your child’s teacher regularly to learn about their academic performance. This can help you determine the best strategies to support your child’s learning experience.

4. Spend Quality Time

Spend quality time together every day, even if it’s just for a while. Try complimenting positive behaviors and have conversations about how they are managing ADHD. 

Talking with your child about their condition can help them comprehend that it's not their fault and that there are strategies available to address the challenges that could arise.

ADHD Treatment for Your Child in Beverly Hills

At Robertson Pediatrics, we understand your child’s emotional health is as important as their physical well-being. Our experienced team specializes in pediatric mental and behavioral health and features a pediatric psychologist. We are dedicated to providing compassionate care to ensure your child thrives.

We offer same-day visits in our clinic located in the heart of Beverly Hills. For appointments, please call us at 310-659-8687 or contact us online

150 N Robertson Blvd, Ste 307
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Phone: 310-659-8687
Fax: 310-659-2420

Working Hours
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Open for Walk-ins Tues, Thurs & Fri: 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Concierge Patients have direct access 24/7 and will be accomodated with home/office visits as needed.
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